An NorðumbroMersian Tonglearning
A Grammar of Northumbro-Mercian

1. BEGINNING (Introduction)

Rootly scaperen af NorðvmbroMersian (NM) aren Noel Cvrry & Francis Smith.

Ðe name scows ðe pride af ðe Norð as an againcomer af ðe Goldene Tide before 1066.
Ðe grovnd af ðe tong doð bean for to riddan ðe nowlie Anglisce tong af Latinen worden and 
bildingen and ovtsteaddan ðese wið Olden Angliscen and/or nowli Germanicen tongens 
worden/bildingen wheresoefer docanli.

No one man scall ðis tong ownan and it alltide scall ðe belonging af ðe folc stayan.

Ovtspeacing and Boocstafing Wordensteading Steadsubstantifen and Bildworden 
Worcworden Nvmberen and Tide Oðer Lincen

2. OVTSPEACING AND BOOCSTAFING (Pronunciation and Spelling) In NM aren alle fowelen and wiðsovnderen as in ði dayen af ovr forefaðeren ovtspocan, f.f. covgh, cnight, ðere a.s.o. Boocstafen aren as gescribed ovtgespocan, f.f. 'seemed' ovtspocan /seem-ed/. Ðe nowlie Anglisce ovtspeacing hereaf is also doable, but must ðen as 'seem'd' bean gescribed. Wiðsovnderen, ðat after an scort fowel comen, aren getwinned gescribed, safe when ðey at ðe end ðes words comen: f.f. to sittan, sat; ðe plan, ði plannen. Yet in artisticen scribingen mayen efen ðis last wiðsovnder getwinned bean: f.f. sad > sadd. In svch writingen may man also oðer funnyboocstafingen trian f.o. freedome, goode. Ðe anwending af big boocstafen for substantifen, weecdayen a.s.o. is at ðe scribers will. NM, lice Anglisc, anwends an -s ending, ownerscip to scowan. Howefer is ðere in ovr tong no ' geneeded: f.f. Alfreds booc, NOT Alfred's booc. Willst ðov an full list ðis NM fowelgroupen and how man ðen ovtspeacan shovld, go ðov here. Herebeneað aren some grovndunlicenissen wið Anglisc boocstafing: - straight 'a' fowel oft oferpvt as 'ae' in NM, f.f. half > haelf, tan > taen. - c > s if ovtspocan /s/. - ðe sound /k/ > c - licewise 'qu'-clvster > cw f.f. cween. - in handwriting so can 'f' see ovt as 'S' so long as ðere an strice ðereacross be. - ðe clvster 'dg' is as an 'd' followed af an 'y' ovtgespocen and may ðvs also as 'dy' gescribed bean: f.f. dodge or dodye. At alle oðeren tiden is 'g' as in 'gone' ovtgespocen. - ðe boocstafe 'j' is welsc and ðvs not angewended in ovr tong. Alle Angliscen worden wið an 'j' ðerein musten ðvs againsetted bean. - ðe onpvtting af 'w' to worden beginning 'o' is allowed: f.f. owl > wowl. - mosttides scows an 'ph' ðat an word af strangefromness is, and ðvs againsteaded bean scovld. Oðerwise scovld it as 'f' gescribed bean. - ðe Anglisce clvster 'sh' is in NM as 'sc' gescribed. - 'th' to be writtan as ðe symbol ð (called eth). Ðerefore ðat ðis symbol oft hard on writingdescen to scriban is, can 'q' as an againstead anwended bean, as it vnanwended is, and seeð ovt lice eth when vpside-down too. - 'u' can by 'v' oferbetacan, as in dayen af yore (and as in ðis tonglearning!). - Anglisc 'v' is in NM as 'f' gescribed f.f. A:'vowel'>NM:'fowel'. Svch worden aren howefer oft wið an Anglisc 'v'-sovnd ovtspocen. Ðe boocstafe 'v' is nee an wiðsovnder in NM, tis raðer anoðer way af scribing ðe fowel 'u'. - worden, ðat wið 'w' starten, cannen also wiðout ðis 'w' gescribed bean, if it good ovtseeð f.o. worm > orm, Woden > Odin, word > ord - mosttides scows an 'x' ðat an word af strangefromness is, and ðvs againsteaded scovld bean. Oðerwise is it as 'chs' gescribed. - y/i oft swappeden f.f. tire/tyre, fvnny/fvnni - ðe boocstafe 'z' is welsc and ðvs not anwended in ovr tong. Alle Angliscen worden wið an 'z' ðerein musten ðvs againsetted bean.


NM wordensteading licens ðat af oðer Germanicen tongen more ðan Anglisc:
- in NM comeð ðe worcword fanly in ðe twoðe stead, efen when it 
in Anglisc elsewhere comeð: ðvs 
'My friend speaceð good Anglisc' (In Anglisc too comeð ðe worcword twoð here) BVT
'Oft speaceð my friend good Anglisc'
- after ði helpworcworden (svch as cannan, mustan, mayan, willan, scouldan 
and wouldan) comeð ðe oðer worcword in its unmofingform (ð.i. ðe -an form)
and at ðe end ðes meaninges:
f.f. 'Ig can ðig seean'
- after ðat, who, if, when, before, while, whilst, ðough and alðough comen 
ði worcworden at ðe end ðes meaninges or meaningbittes:
f.o. 'Tis an statement by two provden Anglanderen đat đe tong alltide to đe folc 
scovld belongan.' or 'Tis an .... belongan scovld.'
- 'Post-Positioned Possesives a Possibility in Poetic Pieces (6P-rvle)' 
f.f. boyen ðine, ðe cace my.

4. STEADSVBSTANTIFEN AND BILDWORDEN (Pronouns and Adjectives) Nom.on. Acc.on. Dat.on. Gen.on ig we mig vs me t'vs my/mine* ovr ðov ye ðig yov ðee yov ðy/ðine* yovr he hey hin hen him hem his heir sce scey her scen her scem her sceir it ðey it ðen it ðem its ðeir * f.f. my cingdom, mine eyen a.s.o. Relatifen pronovnen followen ðe samen rvlen, f.f. who/whon/whom/whose. Agreement: ðe man is big, ðe men aren big, bvt, an big man, bigen men, ðe/my bige man, ði/mine bigen men, an big scip, bigen scipen, ðe/my bige scip, ði/mine bigen scipen. Ðe moreli af ðe is 'ði'. f.f. ðe harde homeworc, ði harden homeworcen.


Ðere aren two classen af worcword: weac and strong.

Weacworcworden(f.f.'to worcan')
  Onely                    Morely
  ig worce                 we worcen
  ðov worcest              ye worcen
  he worcs or worceð       hey worcen
  sce worcs or worceð      scey worcen
  it worcs or worceð       ðey worcen

  worcan,   worced,   geworced
  fvccan,   fvcced,   gefvcced 

  worce!(on.) worcun!(mo.)
  cille hin!(on.) cillun hin!(mo.)

Strongworcworden followen ði standard 21st yearhvndreden vnlicenessen, 
and ði followingen trenden too:

  'to bean'                           'to hafan'
  Onely            Morely             Onely            Morely 
  ig am            we aren            ig hafe          we hafen
  ðov art          ye aren            ðov hast         ye hafen
  he/sce/it is     ðey/scey/hey aren  he/sce/it has    ðey/hey hafen 

  eatan,    ate,      geeaten    
  drifan,   drofe,    gedriffen
  bvyan,    bought,   gebought
  macan,    made,     gemade

  eat!(on.) eatun!(mo.)
  bvy!(on.) bvyun!(mo.)

Weac- and Strongworcworden:                

 Comingtide:  scallan + inf.
  ig scall            we scallen
  ðov scalt           ye scallen
  he/sce/it scall     ðey/scey/hey scallen*

  'Be'form order ofter anwended to bean f.f. go! > be/beun gone!

NM has deponentferben, as in ði Scandinafianen tongen: f.f. 'hopans, ig hopes'. 
Svch ferben hafen simply an -s on ðe end ðes abofegelisted formen.

6. NVMBEREN AND TIDE (Numbers and Time)

  none or nought(NOT zero!)
  six or sex
  ten or teen
  twelfe or twelf
  ðirteen a.s.o.
  twoandtwentey a.s.o.

  oðer or twoð
  sixð or sexð a.s.o.

  an time = an hour
  an timehalf = half an hour
  an timefovrð = a quarter of an hour
  an timebit = a minute
  an timebittling = a second
  an yearten = a decade
  an yearfifty = fifty years
  an yearhvndred = a century

  Tiwsday (dictly: Tyrsday)
  Wodensday (dictly: Odinsday)
  Ðunorsday (dictly: Ðorsday) 
  Locisday (East.NM sometides: Laugisday)


7. OÐER (Miscellaneous) Norðvmbro-Mersian followeð ði allmenlien rvlen ðis Germanicen tongen: 'If in doubt, be a craut'. Articelen - 'Alltide 'an', nee 'a'. - Ðe plural af 'ðe' is 'ði'. Ownerscip fall and Anglisc 'of the' - Ðe Anglisce 'of the' is nee as 'af ðe/af ði' into NM ofergeput. Steadly is ðe ownerscip fall angewended: 'the height of the man' > 'ðe height ðes mans' (=ðe mans height) 'on the end of the above-listed forms' > 'on ðe end ðes abofegelisted formen.' In ðe onely tacen boð ðe articel and substantife an -s, in ðe morely only ðe articel. Comingtidesplannen - Comingtidesplannen aren in ði followingen wayen gescown: for (to) ðat…might + switchlessform so (to) ðat…might + switchlessform in so ðat…might + switchlessform. Bigger anwending In NM aren ði followingen micel more ðan in Anglisc angewended: - Worden/wordenparten/wordengruppen: whomsoefer, in fvrðering, moreofer, here-, be- , ðere-, Anglisce swearworden (ðese aren fanly eferyday worden in NM!!) - Ascingformeden statemeaningen: f.f. 'Were Ig ðov...' 'If i were you...'; 'Goest ðov into town, bvyest me an apple art ðov nice.' 'If you go into town, please buy me an apple.' - Ðe factlessform is as in nowly Anglisc anwended, bvt more so: f.f. 'efen if it be raining, …' a.s.o. Topp Ovtspeacing and Boocstafing Wordensteading Steadsubstantifen and Bildworden Worcworden Nvmberen and Tide Oðer

Ðere gifes now men, who ði worcingen ovres tonges vnderstanden!

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